Requirements Engineering/het werk/werkstuk/mijlpaal/2

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Requirements Engineering

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Met deze mijlpaal moet de filled iteratie af zijn.


Veranderingen t.o.v. de facade iteratie zijn bold aangegeven. Zorg ervoor dat alle onderdelen consistent blijven!

Deliverable Status in filled iteratie
Introduction Preliminary version
Problem statement As good as possible
Stakeholder analysis As good as possible
Mission-vision-(values) Complete
Statement of work Complete, and up-to-date
Risk analysis Complete, and up-to-date
Use case survery Nearly complete
Integrated UC diagram Complete
Use cases "Filled" level
Scenarios Several for each UC
Domain models Partially complete
Business Rules per Use Case Partially complete
Integrated domain model Partially complete
Business rules catalogue Partially complete
Non-functional requirements Partially complete
Terminological definitions Partially complete
Executive sponsor viewpoint Complete (integrated in M-V-V!)
Use case tests As good as possible
Business process definitions If relevant
GUI metaphors / storyboards If relevant