Requirements Engineering/het werk/werkstuk/mijlpaal/2
Uit Werkplaats
< Requirements Engineering | het werk | werkstuk | mijlpaal
Met deze mijlpaal moet de filled iteratie af zijn.
Veranderingen t.o.v. de facade iteratie zijn bold aangegeven. Zorg ervoor dat alle onderdelen consistent blijven!
Deliverable | Status in filled iteratie |
Introduction | Preliminary version |
Problem statement | As good as possible |
Stakeholder analysis | As good as possible |
Mission-vision-(values) | Complete |
Statement of work | Complete, and up-to-date |
Risk analysis | Complete, and up-to-date |
Use case survery | Nearly complete |
Integrated UC diagram | Complete |
Use cases | "Filled" level |
Scenarios | Several for each UC |
Domain models | Partially complete |
Business Rules per Use Case | Partially complete |
Integrated domain model | Partially complete |
Business rules catalogue | Partially complete |
Non-functional requirements | Partially complete |
Terminological definitions | Partially complete |
Executive sponsor viewpoint | Complete (integrated in M-V-V!) |
Use case tests | As good as possible |
Business process definitions | If relevant |
GUI metaphors / storyboards | If relevant |