Requirements Engineering/de opzet/planning/2010-11

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Planning RE 2010-2011
Slot Plek Inhoud
Do 3 feb 15:45 - 17:30 LIN 4 HC1: Course Setup; Use Cases
Vr 4 feb 8:45-10:30 HG00.068 WC1: Use Case Exercise; read chapter 1-4
Do 10 feb 15:45 - 17:30 LIN 4 HC2: Integrated Documentation Overview
Vr 11 feb 8:45-10:30 HG00.068 WC2: Domain Model Exercise; read chapter 5-7
Do 17 feb 15:45 - 17:30 LIN 4 HC3: phase approach
Vr 18 feb 8:45-10:30 HG00.068 WC3: Scenario and Vocabulary Exercise; read chapter 8-10
Do 24 feb 15:45 - 17:30 LIN 4 HC4: Managing Requirements and People
Vr 25 feb 8:45-10:30 HG00.068 WC4: Business Rules Exercise; read appendix A-C
Do 3 maart 15:45 - 17:30 LIN 4 HC5: Communication with Stakeholders 1 by Lauri-Ann Scheinholtz
Vr 4 maart 8:45-10:30 HG00.068 WC5: KICK-OFF Case Project
Do 17 maart 15:45 - 17:30 LIN 4 HC6: Game Perspectives on Requirements Engineering
Vr 18 maart 8:45-10:30 HG00.068 WC6: Group Work on Case
Do 24 maart 15:45 - 17:30 LIN 4 HC7: Communication with Stakeholders 1 by Lauri-Ann Scheinholtz
Do 31 maart 15:45 - 17:30 LIN 4 HC8: Guest Lecture Ralph Nijpels ?
Vr 1 april 8:45-10:30 HG00.068 DEADLINE Facade
Do 7 april Tentamenweek LIN 4 Schriftelijk examen
Do 28 april Tentamenweek LIN 4 HC9: Guest Lecture Eric Schabell ?
Vr 6 mei 8:45-10:30 HG00.068 DEADLINE Filled
Do 12 mei 15:45 - 17:30 LIN 4 HC10: Vragenuurtje Casus, plenaire feedback
Do 19 mei 15:45 - 17:30 LIN 4 HC11: Reserve
Do 9 juni 15:45 - 17:30 LIN 4 Evaluatie
Vr 10 juni 8:45-10:30 HG00.068 DEADLINE focused
Do 16 juni 15:45 - 17:30 LIN 4 Presentations
Vr 17 juni 8:45-10:30 HG00.068 Presentations
Do 23 juni 15:45 - 17:30 LIN 4 Presentations
Vr 24 juni 8:45-10:30 HG00.068 Presentations
Do 14 Juli 15:45 - 17:30 LIN1 TENTAMEN