Onderzoeksmethoden 2/het werk/2008-9/Groep07

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Onderzoeksmethoden 2

Onderwijssysteem Zuid-Afrika V.S. Nederland

Bjorn Visser, Bas Kasteel, Kelvin Leeflang, Jeroen Ewes


Every day people use the internet to communicate with each other. It becomes more interesting for companies to work together with people all over the world. Particularly for companies in the IT businesses which often outsource their work. Therefore this is extremely important to have a better understanding about their potential partners. Employees with an ICT oriented education become more interesting for companies. So it is very important for a society to provide adequate ICT related education.

During our literature study we found it to be very difficult to find any scientific papers about this subject related to South Africa. There was only a minimum amount of relevant scientifically literature about this subject. The study trip provided us with the opportunity to investigate the ICT related education in South Africa.

South Africa holds a variety of different cultures. Were here in the Netherlands we only have one dominant culture, the western culture. All the education provided here in the Netherlands has been based on this culture. But is this the same in South Africa, where they have such different cultures?

With this question in mind we came up with the following main research question which will form the foundation of our research:

“To what extent does cultural differences influence the ICT related education in South Africa
 in comparison to the Dutch ICT related education?”

The domain of our research, are the students in South Africa and the Netherlands. We will describe to following aspects about these students:

  • Educational system;
  • ICT related studies;
  • cultures within education.

The aspects listed above are the variables of our research. This research is fully practical focused. We want to know, from these practical students, if there are any differences in culture, educational level and educational system in South Africa and the Netherlands.


This research has its relevance to companies who want to outsource some of their business processes. There is not very much information about the educational level of people in South Africa. Western companies have more insight in the western form of education, but not that much about the South African educational levels. With a better insight in a different kind of education, companies have more and better options when it comes to outsourcing.

Another form of relevance is for our society. When we can provide a view on a different kind of educational system, we can learn much more about our own. From the first time we went to kindergarten school we have been submitted to our form of education. We have no real understanding about how this can be different. To take a closer look at the education of another country, we can see how our own culture influences our education. With this knowledge we can learn how to provide a better form of education.

Because of the limited time we have for our research and because the study trip will only bring us to Pretoria and Johannesburg, we have selected the following scope. In South Africa we will visit the university in Pretoria and Johannesburg. Were in the Netherlands we will visit the Radboud University Nijmegen.

Theoretical Border

In order of the theoretical study before research several persons will be contacted. First Dr. J. Ester. Dr. J. Ester lectures the minor” Multiculturalism in South Africa” on the Faculty of Arts. The purpose of this meeting is to received a lot of information about the culture and society in South Africa.

The next visit will be with Dr. H.A.T. van der Meijden from the Faculty of Social Sciences. Dr. H.A.T. van der Meijden give some information how to perform a solid research when it comes to education within ICT.

During the course “ICT in a different culture” there was a guest lecture which provided to be very useful for the research. This lecture was given by Dr. L. Consoli from the Faculty of Science, Mathematics and Computer Science and was about the different cultures within South Africa. The suggestion was made to use the different dimensions of Hofstede [HOF83] to determine what kind of main culture there is in a country. So the first article for the literature study was a fact.

With one article to support the research, the literature study could begin. During the extended search to find scientific articles to use with the research some very interesting articles were found. (See References).

Within the research of the educational system there will be looking at the following aspects:

  • Educational structure
  • Degrees
  • Quality of universities
  • Value rating
  • Scholarships

Within the research on the ICT related studies there will be looking at the following aspects:

  • Different kind of studies
  • Failure level
  • Qualification
  • Courses and Curriculum
  • Languages
  • Specialization
  • Appliances
  • Practical vs Theoretical

Culture is hard to measure. What exactly is a culture? There are many theoretical models to research the difference between cultures. We have chosen the theoretical model of Hofstede [HOF83]. This model describes the culture in five dimensions. Those dimensions are: [HOF83]
1. Power Distance
Hofstede describes this dimension as: “How societies deal with the fact that people are unequal.” [HOF83]
2. Individualism / Collectivism
Hofstede describes this dimension as: “The relation between an individual and his or her fellow individuals.”[HOF83]
3. Masculinity / Feminity
Hofstede describes this dimension as:”The division of roles between the sexes in societies.” [HOF83]
4. Uncertainty Avoidance
Hofstede describes this dimension as: “How societies deal with the fact that time runs only one way; that is, we are all caught in the reality of past, present and future, and we have to live with uncertainty because the future is unknown and always will be.” [HOF83]
5. Long/short term orientation
Values associated with Long Term Orientation are thrift and perseverance; values associated with Short Term Orientation are respect for the tradition, fulfilling social obligations, and protecting one ‘ face’ .

Next to the Hofstede's dimensions we will also research the following aspects:

  • Multicultural schools
  • Technology Natives (people who know technology from when they are born) vs Foreigners (people who have never seen a computer)


A method is a guideline to let a research be successful. To complete a research you need to choose a method which fits best within the research. The research method that has selected is a “comparative research”.

Comparative research is a research methodology in the social sciences which aims to make comparisons across different countries or cultures. During the research the differences between the ICT related education systems are being compare. ICT studies and cultures within this education in the Netherlands and South Africa.

A set of interview questions have been created for several universities in the Netherlands and
South Africa which we will visit.  The questions which will be asked are about the educational
system, the culture within education and the ICT related studies. The selected universities are
listed in paragraph “Method of acquiring data”.

The main research question is:

“To what extent does cultural differences influence the ICT related educational university in
 South Africa in comparison to the Dutch ICT related education?”

Research function

The method that will be using is the “comparative research”, because the research will take place in two countries, the Netherlands and South Africa. A comparative research, simply put, is the act of comparing two or more things with a view to discover something about one or all of the things that are being compared.

Research subquestions

To provide a well founded answer to the main research question, the main research question has been separated into several sub questions. These sub questions are listed below:

  • To what extend are the Dutch and the South African ICT educational system related to each other?
  • In what degree are the levels within ICT related studies, in the Netherlands and South Africa, international equal?
  • How do the different cultures within ICT related studies relate to each other?


For the validation of the operationalization see paragraph validations. The researchers sent an email to the universities in Pretoria, Johannesburg, Arnhem and Nijmegen to perform several interviews. The reason why the interviews method prefered is to watch the non-verbal signs of the person who will be interviewed.

For a more detailed representation of the operationalization, see Appendix A: Theoretical model


The questions will be asked comply with the TAP-Paradigm. This prevents that the questions won’t be wrong. The TAP-Paradigm stands for: Topic, Applicability and Perspective.

Does the person who must answer the questions understand the question? The question must be understandable. The terms which are used must be consistence. The sentence must consist of short and simple words (short words).
Do not expect anything, ask for everything. When you ask “do you like the news?” you first have to ask if they watch any news. This is a very important aspect, because we are dealing with another culture.
Ask the questions in the right order. Use as many official question formulations and answer categories. Don’t ask suggestive questions. For instance: “how many times do you beat your wife?”.

Collection of data

To accumulate information several interview questions have been created, these interview questions are divided in several categories (see Appendix B: Interview questions). these questions will be asked to several persons within several universities in the Netherlands and South Africa.
This way findings and results can be compared.

Recording of data

All the interviews in the Netherlands and South Africa will be recorded on a voice recorder. All audio conferences will be typed out. There will also be made references in the text version of the interview. These references refer to the subject of the interview.
All this information will be combined and available in the appendix of the Research document.

Structuring of data

All the data retrieved must be valid according to the conceptual model (See Appendix C: Conceptual model). We will place references to the conceptual model.

Analysis of data

When our research question was accepted we divided the main question in three sub questions, which are:

  • To what extend are the Dutch and the South African ICT educational system related to each other? (Educational System)
  • In what degree are the levels within ICT related studies, in the Netherlands and South Africa, international equal? (Educational Level / Education Studies)
  • How do the different cultures within ICT related studies relate to each other? (Culture)

So we had three aspects which we had to investigate, those aspects were: Educational system, educational level and culture within education. With these questions and aspects in mind we made a conceptual model and translated the aspects into variables (see Appendix C for our conceptual model). From that point on we had the research questions in variables. Below is our first conceptual model. During our research our conceptual model has been changed.

Educational system Educational level Culture within education
Language Study name Masculinity v.s. Femininity
Scolarship Faculty Avoidance
Internship Duration Long term orientation v.s. short term oriantation
Way of examining Gradation name Individualism v.s. Collectivism
Value rating Theoretical directed Power distance
Practical directed
Graduation degree
Part-time forms
Study investment

Now we were able to make interview questions. We checked that all variables were linked with an interview question.

When we were in South Africa we had some trouble finding people we could interview. During our stay most of the students had exams and were lacking in time. So our range op people was very limited to those who had time to be interviewed. The second obstacle we faced, was that the room where the interviews took place was very crowded. We recorded every interview but it was almost unfeasible to listen back the tape to hear what they were saying.

We noticed that we did not answer all variables when we came back from South Africa. We realized that our conceptual model had to change a little bit. Some variables had to be removed and new variables had to be added. Because the variable "education level" had many overlap with the variable "educational system", we decided to rename the variable educational level. The variable "educational level" became "educational studies".

When we were in South Africa we noticed some enormous culture difference with the Netherlands:

  • big difference between poor and rich
  • many ethnic groups, employee rate
  • technology natives and foreigners (which means kids who grew up with a computer and kids who have never seen a computer are attending the same University).

We decided to put these variables into our conceptual model. Below our new conceptual model:

Educational system Educational studies Culture within education
Degrees Different kind of studies Hofstede
Educational structure Faillure level Poor v.s. Rich
Quality of universities Qualification Employee Rate
Scholarships Language Ethical Groups
Value rating Specialization Culture within education
Appliences *Quality of schools
Practical v.s Theoretical *Multicultural schools
*Technology natives and foreigners

When we came back from South Africa we agreed to transcript the interviews. Transcribing the interviews was a time taking job. After one week of hard work all the interviews were transcribed. The following thing we had to do was looking for our defined variables in the transcription. We did this with so called “tags”. We made four different kinds of tags:

  • [NOISE]: We used the tag “noise” when we were unable to transcript. [/NOISE]
  • [SYSTEM]: we used the tag “system” when the person said something about the variable defined under the aspect educational systems.[/SYSTEM]
  • [STUDIES]: we used the tag “studies” when the person said something about the variable defined under the aspect studies. [/STUDIES]
  • [CULTURE]: we used the tag “culture” when the person said something about the variable defined under the aspect culture.[/CULTURE]

After we changed our conceptual model we had to focus on the variable answers from the interviews. So there was only one thing remaining, making a good paper based on the interviews linked with the variables.

See Appendix A: “Theoretical model” for further information.

Report analysis

When all data is collected and tags are placed we could give answers to the sub questions. The sub questions are:

  • To what extend are the Dutch and the South African ICT educational system related to each other? (Tag: [SYSTEM])
  • In what degree are the levels within ICT related studies, in the Netherlands and South Africa, international equal? (Tag: [STUDIES])
  • How do the different cultures within ICT related studies relate to each other? (Tag: [CULTURE])

The Design

Our research design:

Educational system in the Netherlands	:       S1           O1
Educational system in South Africa	:       S2           O2

Where  :

S  =  Selection of characterize
S1 =  Investigation which is conducted in the Netherlands
S2 = Investigation which is conducted in South Africa
 t    =  Moment of measure, compare  O1 and O2
O1   =  Measure, data which are collected in the Netherlands
O2 = Measure,  data which are collected in the  South Africa

S1 and S2 are the preliminary investigation that take place in the Netherlands, before the trip to South Africa. O1 are all the information that will be collected and O2 are all the information that will be collected in South Africa, t is the moment that 01 and 02 will be compated to come to any results.

Conceptual model

The Conceptual model can be found in Appendix C: “Conceptual model”.


During our research we will work according to a detailed timetable schedule. This schedule can be found in Appendix D.

In case we expect to finish our research before the scheduled milestones, we will spend the remaining time on the next milestone in our schedule. So if any unexpected problems occur, we have time to anticipate. When we expect to finish the entire research before the set deadline, we will use the remaining time to collect second opinions about our collected results and comparisons.

When the unfortunate event of expecting to finish a milestone later than scheduled happens, we will try to change our time schedule so that we can finish in time. When changing the time schedule is not entirely possible, we will eliminate any less relevant research outcomes.


See this document Research Paper

Our own experience

  • Zorg voor enige structuur tijdens de interviews. Dit kan bijvoorbeeld aan de hand van de vooraf opgestelde indicatoren.
  • Definieer je variables helder en duidelijk, voorkom overlap.
  • Aan de hand van deze variables stel je, je interview vragen op. Controleer of alle variabele als vraag aan bod komen.
  • Vaak moet je later je variabele aanpassen omdat sommige variabele niet beantwoord zijn tijdens het interview
  • Vaak komen er variabele bij omdat andere factoren meespelen die je in de eerste instantie niet gezien had. (Wij hadden dit met het cultuur aspect. Cultuur was niet gebaseerd op huidskleur maar meer op arm en rijk.)
  • Voor het vastleggen van het interview gesprek hebben wij een goede voice recorder gekocht.
  • Voorkom gesprekken in openbare ruimten in verband met achtergrond lawaai. Alleen een goede microfoon is niet genoeg. Wij waren niet in de gelegenheid om de interviews af te nemen in een gesloten ruimte. Waardoor en veel ruis in zit.
  • Interview gesprekken erg verschillend in NL en SA. Niet alleen door de taal maar ook cultuur en openheid van mensen.
  • Misschien is onze interpretatie anders met het vertalen. Met andere woorden tijdens het vertalen moet je letten op het interpreteren.


[HOF83] G. Hofstede, The cultural relativity of organizational practices and theories, Journal of International Business Studies, Fall, 75-89, 1983
[STR99] A.H. Strydom & M Fourie, Higher education research in South Africa: Achievements, conditions and new challenges, Higher Education, vol: 38, 155-167, 1999
[HEU00] K Heugh, The Case Against Bilingual and Multilingual Education in South Africa, PRAESA, Occasional papers No. 6, 22, 2000
[MOR90] W.E. Morrow, Aims of education in South Africa, In: International review of education, vol. 36, 171-182, 1990
[ISA07] S. Isaacs, ICT in Education in South Africa, Survey of ICT and Education in Africa, Volume 2, 29, 2007
[HAW90] Hawkridge D, Jaworski K. and McMahon, H. 1990. Computers in Third World Schools. Examples, Experience and Issues. Hound mills, McMillan.
[CAW98] Cawkell, T. 1998. The information age-for better or for worse. Journal of Information Science, 24 (1): 56-58.


Appendix A: Theoretical model

Below is the theoretical model. In this model we will show which kind of research elements we will investigate and how we will investigate them.
We show how we will come from the, somewhat vague, theoretical model to the empirical model. This way we get variables from the elements and will become clear how we will investigate these elements.

Theoretical research elementsSample frameworkEmpiricle research elements
Educational systemInterviews with several persons on universities and if possible the dutch embassySouth African educational system.
Dutch educational system.
Educational studiesInterviews with several persons on universities. Students and teachers. Maybe head of a faculty/department.
Own observation. Attending classes.
ICT related studies in South Africa.
ICT related studies in the Netherlands.
CulturesInterviews with several persons on university (students/teachers), the dutch embassy and using questionaire of Hofstede.
An online form which students/teachers can fill out.
Culture within education in South Africa.
Culture within education in the Netherlands.

Theoretical variablesIndicatorsEmpiricle variables
StructureStructure of the educational system. Faculties->departments->etc.Educational structure
QualityQuality of teaching and products of students. Attending classes.Quality of universities
ScholarshipScholarship available to everyone?Scholarships
ValueHow study weight is being measured. EC's. How does value rating compare to EC's?Value rating
StudiesDifferent kind of ICT related studies. Same content as ICT studies in the Netherlands?Different kind of ICT related studies
FailureFailure level of students who start with ICT related study.Failure level
QualificationWhat do you need to apply to a ICT related study. Grades/courses.Qualification
CoursesWhat different kind of courses and curriculum are available on academic level?Courses and curriculum
LanguageIn what kind of languages are courses being tought on academic level?Languages
Minor What kind of specializations can a student chose?Specialization
ApplianceAmount of students applying to an ICT related study a year.Appliances
Practical vs theoreticalPercentage of practical and theoretical in a course/curriculum. Possibility for internship.Practical vs theoretical
HofstedeInvestigation of dimensions of hofstede.Hofstede
Poor vs richDifference between poor and rich. Hoe big is the gap? Everybody equal chances? Main view on education.Poor vs rich
Employee rateEmployee rate in percentages for South Africa and the Netherlands.Employee rate
Ethnical groupsDifferent kind of ethnical groups on university. How large in variety.Ethnical groups
MulticulturalStudents with different backgrounds can go to same school?Multicultural schools
Technology natives vs ForeignersAre they both in same class? Or get foreigners extra classes?Technology natives vs Foreigners
Quality schoolsQuality of teaching and universities.Quality of schools

Theoretical relation/research questionRelation between indicators and sample frameworkRelation between empiricle research elements and empiricle variables

To what extent does cultural differences influence the ICT related education in South Africa in comparison to the Dutch ICT related education?

To answer this question we must investigate the research elements listed above.
Most of the variables can be investigated using interviews of questionaires. We will have these interviews with students, teachers, head of a faculty/department and people know to the educational system (in dutch emabssy). Next we will create an online questionaire, based on Hofstede, to measure the culture within the universities. Furthermore we will experience the education at first hand by attending classes and presentations (in South Africa). For the relation between the empirical research elements and - variables. We refer to Appendix C: Conceptual model

Appendix B: Interview questions

Interview questions:

Educational level

  • Are there any ICT related faculties on the university?
    • Which studies are offered on this faculty?
    • What are the requirements for entering these studies?
  • How many students apply annually for an ICT related study?
    • What is the gradation for this study?
  • What is the average percentage of graduates for ICT related studies?
  • What is the length of the program for ICT related studies at this university?
    • How does this differ per ICT related study (Bachelor / Master)
  • What is the average study investment per week?
    • Is there a clear distinction between theory and practice?
    • What part of the study investment is theoretical?
    • Can you think of an example of theoretical study investment?
    • What part of the study investment is practical?
    • Can you think of an example of practical study investment?
  • Can you give us an overview of the graduation year?
  • What is the degree award after graduation?
  • How do students obtain their degree after they graduated?
  • For each ICT related study regarding question one:
    • Can you give us an overview of the curriculum?
    • What are the costs of this ICT related study for students?
    • What kind of part-time forms are there for this ICT related study?
  • What are the options students have if they want to become specialized?

Educational system

  • In what languages are the studies offered?
  • In what way is the study value rating expressed?
    • In what way is the study value rating measured?
  • How does examination take place?
  • Do students have the opportunity for internship during their study?
  • What is the percentage of the total study of a student which will be financed by the scholarship?


  • Which ethnical groups apply for ICT related studies at this university?
    • Which ethnical group is most common for ICT related studies?
  • What is the percentage of female students for ICT related studies on this university?

Appendix C: Conceptual model

This conceptual model is a graphical representation of the three main research aspects: educational system, ICT related studies and cultures within education. Those aspects are shown here with their own variables which we will use in our research.

Appendix D: Workplan

Planning1.jpg Planning2.jpg

Appendix E: Tagged interviews

Interview 1 (SA)

Q: We want to talk about the educational system here in south-africa. In the Netherlands
 we have one main culture, the western culture. And here in South-Africa there are all
 kinds of cultures and we are investigating if those cultures influence the educational
 system. That’s our research. So and if the educational system is really that different
 from the one in Holland.

A: I was told that Holland was very not cultural [NOISE]…[/NOISE] but more

Q: We have make a questionarry maybe we should [NOISE]…[/NOISE] Are there many
 ICT related studies in South-Africa?

A: Yeah there is SANGO neT, I don’t know if you have seen it all ready? South Africa
 NGO network and they deal with all NGO in South Africa particularly those using
 ICT in education  and government and planning and very social sectors so that is
 a good site for you to go into. To have a sort of start shot of the ICT in 
 South Africa. Hello I’m Paul. Hello I’m Jeroen. Hello I’m Gordon. Hello. So
 that’s just to answer your question very briefly.

A: I think South Africa is a very strange country as [NOISE]…[/NOISE]. (1:40)

Q: With many cultures together?

A: (Laughing) Correctly, it is one of the strange normalize in this county.
 [CULTURE]Where we have very poor, very poor population and a section
 of population that is very, very rich and I mean horribly rich (laughing)
 [/CULTURE]. I mean if you drive around in Pretoria, I’m sure you did it

Q: Yeah yeah we went to townships

A: Oh to the townships, yeah. So you see the very contrast between
 Pretoria and the townships. [NOISE]…[/NOISE]. It is the sharpest in
 the world. [CULTURE]Where the rich are extremely rich and the poor
 are extremely poor[/CULTURE]. And it’s problems. 

Q: Yeah it is really big yeah..

A: [CULTURE]In South Africa there are many social problems, when you look at
 government policy example work, housing etc it is really difficult[/CULTURE].
 They have to find money from somewhere to put it elsewhere. [CULTURE]
 The employment in South Africa is really high, 40% of the people are
 unemployed and from the working people a lot of them have shops at the
 corner of the street. Those people does not have a steady income because one day
 they sell a product for 100 rand the next day they sell the same product for 10 rand
 and when it’s raining they don’t sell anything. There is not a racial discrimination
 any more in South Africa it’s a economical discrimination. It’s now more relevant
 what kind of car you drive, what kind of devices do you have. This is especially at
 the private schools. The schools are still the same a township school is still a
 township school and private school is still a private school but the people who
 follow studies change there Is not really the difference between white
 and black.[/CULTURE]

[CULTURE]There is also a difference between teachers who educate at the poor and
 rich schools. At the rich schools there are better educated teacher than at the poor
 schools.  Also at the poor schools they do not interact with the students, the
 teachers knows everything and as a student you know nothing and intimidate
 them. This is less at the private schools. He gives as example that a student asks
 “why does glue not stick in the bottle”. This is a question you can ask at a private
 school, maybe the teacher doesn’t know the answer but you can ask it. When you
 ask the same question at a township school the teacher will tell the student that he
 asks too many questions. That’s an example between the difference know in
 South Africa schools. [/CULTURE]

[CULTURE]Another cultural different is that in the black community  a lot people
 come to south Africa to study and there a lot of different ethnics groups in this
 black community. The black people come from Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Kenya etc. and
 you must see the differences between the culture as there are in between England
 and Ireland and between the Dutch and the German. When those people are good
 educated they leave the country and go to most of all to Europe because of
 their future.[/CULTURE]

[CULTURE]Those black community always stick to their own groups with their own
 background/religion. And another aspects is that the children speak different
 native languages some people can even speak better a language than the

Q: To go back to the question, what the influences are of the different cultures on
 the ICT related education

A: You can see that South Africa is even more complex than you might think. And
 you can see this in the schools. So  is one of the reason why south Africa is
 multicultural. To come back to the difference between especially black and white
 schools [CULTURE]you can not say there are especially white schools any more
 they are more grey because it is mixed with children of the middle class. A lot
 middle class children from another South Africa countries go to the private
 schools of South Africa. you can say there are two different cultures at the school
 in South Africa one in the private schools and one in de poor schools
 (township schools).  [/CULTURE]

 I read a few articles from Hofstede and says also that is not about South Africa.

Interview 2 (SA)

Q: In the topic of our research we have the educational system as topic. I will tell you something
 more about it. We are here to investigate the South-African educational system is really different
 from the one in Holland. In the Netherlands we have one main culture, the western culture, and here
 in South-Africa there are lots of different cultures.
 We try to find out how different cultures influence the educational system.
A: [CULTURE] As you said South-Africa have different of cultures. You have whites and non-whites. 
 Within the dominants  non-whites have different cultures. [/CULTURE] Because when talking about education and
 talk about learning, you learn what your background always apply to be you there. [CULTURE] When you haven’t
 seen a car and you haven’t seen a computer and you put me in a classroom where I have to use a
 computer that’s where I am going to stroke. If I am putting the same class somewhere in a culture
 where you have use a computer since the born of a child. That person is definitely going to the
 better thing. [/CULTURE] [STUDIES] So the background early come from how we realize, that’s the way we learn and how we
 succeed in this typical society. [/STUDIES]  So the question you asked, typically it’s true. [NOISE]...[/NOISE] In the schools in
 South-Africa I tried to find out in terms in which schools depends on programs. It’s very clear
 that some set of program are different like Schools in rural areas, [SYSTEM] good teachers
 don’t want to stay in rural areas. [/SYSTEM]

Q: [CULTURE] So you have more opportunities when you are in a rich nation. 
A: Exactly. [/CULTURE]

Q: Are there any ICT related studies here in South-Africa?
A: There are quite a number of them. I mean there seems to be since Mandela came here for 1994
 during that time there were are a lot of [NOISE]...[/NOISE] or organization per site of conducts attempted to
 come South-African culture. [STUDIES] And during that I think secure from and the time where you put the 
 technology is punished in the way to get the information to the people and lot of computers came
 in and provided computers to the schools. [/STUDIES]

Q: also in the rural areas?
A: [CULTURE] Yes, what the problem is you send a computer to schools but there is no body in the school who
 can use a computer. So some schools have the computers but they can’t use it because they don’t have the skills. [/CULTURE]

Q: Are the curriculums become more practical in that way or are they still more theoretical?
A: [STUDIES] It’s more practical and the teacher is become a more facilitator. [/STUDIES]
Q: [STUDIES]Is it possible, for a student on a university to specialize?
A: It’s depend on your program. [/STUDIES]

Q: [STUDIES] In which language are the courses provided?
A: In English or Africans, mostly in English because of the cultures. [/STUDIES]

Q: Is there something of value rating system? Example: In Holland we have EC (European Credits).
A: I’m not familiar with this measurement. Normally you take a course and the professor give you the
 outline. At the end of the test this will explain of you will pass or fail.

Q: [STUDIES] Are all the courses on the university of the same size? Are there no big lectures or small
A: Most of the courses are quite similar, the durations of the courses are mostly the same. [/STUDIES]

Q: Are there any internships?
A: I am not sure but I work for the government and we employ a lot of internship, so I think it’s a
 requirement for the university.

Q: [SYSTEM] Are there any financing by the government?
A: Most of them we have to pay but you can have subsidy [NOISE]...[/NOISE] this depend on your background
 in case of for families who cannot pay for their children. [/SYSTEM]

Q: Because the limited time, is it possible to send you an e-mail if we have any further questions?
A: No problem, I will give you my card

Interview 3 (SA)

Q: Danny starts off explaining about our research. What it is all about.
A: [SYSTEM]If you talk about the educational system, it is based 
on things all over the world. For example education itself is based 
on education in Australia and England. But the system is fully based 
on the British educational system. That is why some schools still have 
uniforms. The system in South Africa uses grades. 12 grades to be exact. 
After those grades you can go to a University. So the system, compared 
to the Dutch one, is a bit the same. In term of society, how functional 
the South African system is. Our system starts with grade not (o), 
so there are really 13 years of education. Primary to college is six years. 
Those 13 years are not all compulsive education. The first 10 are 
compulsive. The first three years foundation phase. (0,1,2,3) 4,5 
and 6 are called intermediate. 7, 8 and 9 are the senior phase. 10,11 
and 12 [NOISE][/NOISE] phase. So really 13 years total. You cannot get 
to university if you don’t have those 13 years/grades.[/SYSTEM]

So the [SYSTEM]system is very complicated. After those 13 grades you 
get a certificate and after that you get a diploma and you can get 
your degree. Some universities have university type qualification.

 Lots of failure on higher level education. Problems are that education 
is divided in provinces.
 [CULTURE]Provinces are more poor than others, so quality of learning is 
lower in poorer provinces. This is because there are less classrooms and 
infrastructure.[/CULTURE] Quality is highest problem. Private schools are 
much better. All those private schools are primary the same. When you 
finish a private school, you can go to the highest University. Universities 
differ from quality. Soft skills, leadership, teamwork, communication is 
less in poorer provinces. Hard to fix this.[/CULTURE][/SYSTEM]

[STUDIES]This is why education sometimes fails. Most universities are 
pretty good. You need to get University to get a good job. Science 
related studies have less students because of their ethnical background. 
Most colleges are in English. In Holland we start with mother tongue and 
go to English. In South Africa it starts with English and one other 
language. Because of many languages.[/STUDIES]

Q: Is the Afrikaans language not used very much?
A: [STUDIES]Yes Afrikaans is used still. There are textbooks in 
Afrikaans as well as schools. They are still there, but because it 
divides people it is used less.
English and Afrikaans was mandatory. Now three languages are needed. 
English, Afrikaans and one other South African language. You cannot get 
in University if you haven’t Afrikaans.[/STUDIES]

[SYSTEM]Courses and curriculum are the same. Quality 
teachers is less. Number students in classes are higher. 
The different languages make the education more complex. 
Students find hard to understand. Because high number of 
students, it is hard for teachers to provide quality.[/SYSTEM]

Q: Is it possible to upgrade your skills?
A: [STUDIES]Yes, you can upgrade you skills after graduating. But you 
need good mathematics. [CULTURE]But mathematics is lower in poorer 
communities.[/CULTURE] So people there go more for languages to 
do basic studies.[/STUDIES]

Q: Are there lot of ICT related studies?
A; [STUDIES]Yes. You have a basic ICT study. Where you will 
learn the basics of a computer and the office package. And there 
is a higher form, computer science. Which involves Programming.
In those ICT related studies you can find many different kind of 
students. [/STUDIES][CULTURE]Those who have never seen a computer 
and people who already have programmed.[/CULTURE] This is possible 
because you only need a good grade in mathematics. [CULTURE]The 
students who have never seen a computer, have to follow extra 
classes to learn computers. Technology Natives 
(born with computer part of lives), foreigners (never seen computer). 
All end up in same class.[/CULTURE]

Q: Is the interest in ict studies growing?
A: Yes because of more and more technology which come 
available to everyone. For example, Cell phones everywhere. 
Even in rural areas. Because it is very cheap.

Interview 4 (SA)

Q: If I can ask a few short question if that’s ok
A: You can ask a few short questions sure. You can take 15 to 20 minutes, so.

Q: Ok, That would be very great. In South-Africa there are a few University’s, do they have ICT related
 faculties or technology related faculty’s?'''
A: I think the first thing you need to understand is how the academic structure work. [SYSTEM]We have
 different departments. One of them is the department of computer science. These are divided and
 grouped together under schools. And in schools come faculties.
So we have a department of computer science and in that is the school of
 Information Technology and we are part of the engineering building environment IT faculty.[/SYSTEM] All right? Ok. 
[SYSTEM]All the universities in South-Africa have the structure like that. Department, schools and faculty’s.[/SYSTEM] 
So that’s the first thing.

[SYSTEM]In South-Africa, for example, there are 12 main/big universities and most of them have a computer
 science department and information technology schools.[/SYSTEM] The biggest of that is in West Pretoria the
 [NOISE]University of ,[/NOISE] University of Cape town, university of Johannesburg start Washington university?
 I how do they call themselves, I forgot the name of the university, anyway but yes…

Q:What kind of studies are being offered on ICT level?
A: Let's talk about our University. [STUDIES]We have a school of information technology; in that school there
 are three departments: Computer science, Information science and
 Informatics. [SYSTEM]Within the school we offer Bachelor degree, which is a four year degree.
 The purpose of that degree is to combine Computer science, informatics and Information sciences.[/SYSTEM][/STUDIES]
 [STUDIES]There may be a difference in the understanding the terms of informatics and information science
 between us and Europe. Because in Germany information science is what we say it is Informatics.
 Information Science is here library science, [NOISE] science [/NOISE]. And then science with electronics
 storage of information medium [/STUDIES]and so forth. [STUDIES]Informatics in South-Africa concerns development of
 system, system design, system engineering, and software development/design. So it’s more being on
 the management then the design part. Computer science is the best school. Computer science focused
 on network, programming, operating system and so forth. So we have 4 year Bachelor in  IT degree
 which combines Information science, Informatics and computer science together. [/STUDIES] [STUDIES]And then the fourth
 year of  our students have to go out for 6 months to a MIT competent and they have to go on
 internship so that’s a significal component of the fourth year.[STUDIES] So that’s that degree.

[STUDIES]In the Information Science department we have often a multimedia degree, so it’s important that you
 know that also, where the focus is on mark-up language, visual design, programming for visual
 design. What they also do is a kind of development, but it is not the computer science aspects but
 on the design of artificial aspect we do a lot of batch programming[/STUDIES] and so forth.

[SYSTEM]Within our department we have two main degrees. Bachelor Computer Science just a 3 year bachelor
 degree and we have a Bachelor IT also a 3 year Bachelor degree. The basic computer science degree
 is classical computer science were we do computer science with natural science. [STUDIES]So we combine
 computer science with chemistry, computer science with physics, and computer science with
 mathematics that is classical computer science degree.[/STUDIES][/SYSTEM] This also is the more difficult one because
 you have to do natural sciences. [STUDIES]The Bachelor IT degree which also has low interests requirements
 we focused combining computer science with market related subject. We can give a student sometimes
 a nation in the industry. So they can combine computer science with music technology, we can
 combine computer science with law especially with cyber law, computer science with business
 management, computer science with bio-informatics, computer science with geographical information
 systems, computer science with operational research, applied mathematics, philosophy, psychology,
 criminology. So these are combinations that are allowed.[/STUDIES]

So these are all our main degrees.

[SYSTEM]They go three year for they bachelor and after that our students to a honest degree. After honest
 degree they can go for their master degree.[/SYSTEM]

Q: And honest degree is one year?
A: [SYSTEM]It is one year, yes. One year, in honest degree they do course work, they have 8 subjects to
 do, but two of these subjects are compose trial project, research trail project. The other 6
 subject are really relevant.
Entrying the master the degree is not the same as honest degree. Master degree is a full research base.[/SYSTEM]

Q: And that is also their specialization?
A:[STUDIES]Yes as soon as you do master degree. Within our department we have four main research focuses
 areas: Artificial Intelligent which they are the research manager, Computer security, Distributed
 Systems and within software engineering, theoretical computer science. So students was interested
 in artificial intelligent and specialized in artificial intelligent with their master. But even
 more specific aspect of doing research.[/STUDIES]

Q: What are the requirements to apply to this ICT studies?'''
A: [NOISE]For bachelors degree [/NOISE] [STUDIES]I will be easy, computer science degree they must have
 mathematics in their final year school that is grade 12. Only 60% pass mathematics. They have to
 have one language beside English, so English is a must and it’s also 60%. But they also have to
 choose another language, an African language. One of the official languages of South-Africa.[/STUDIES] You
 know South-Africa have 11 official languages?

Q: Yes
A: [STUDIES]And they have to choose three other subjects, in total six subjects. And the average of all of
 these subjects must be at least 60%. Then they can be introduced to computer sciences. Basic
 Computer science.
By the IT the requirement is: mathematics at least 50%, English, one other language and 3 other
 subjects with the average of at least 65%. Only 55% to 60% of the students pass mathematics. We
 expand the bachelor degree to four year for those who failed for mathematics or another course. In
 the first year they get a kind of a bridge for mathematics or another course for one semester. For
 the next semester they go for the normal structure. So the purpose of the first semester in an
 expanded bachelor course is getting the student ready. For entrance in going in to the main stream.[/STUDIES]

Q: Ok, how many students annual applied to computer science?
A: [STUDIES]It’s difficult to say, you see all over the world a change of application into this area. This
 year we had, I know the statistics I just gave them to my staff. This year we have, I have to do a 
quick sum here, uhmm 60 to a hundred, plus minus 100 students within the three programs. Last year we 
also had plus minus 100. But last year we only had BC Computer science and BC IT we didn’t had 
the extend, the four year program yet. So this year we still have 100 students.

So which means that our main stream programs the number actually went down. If we didn’t have this 
facility to get in people we still frustrated that they don’t have the entrance requirement. So we 
can conclude that the interest is going down. In total for the first year segment we have around 350 students. 
The entire faculty accounts for 1200  students.[/STUDIES] 

Q: Ok, so  the interest is going down?  
A:[STUDIES]What we saw in our statistics is that we have 
peeked on our numbers of students around 2003 and we  peeked round about 600-700 students. And then it went down.[/STUDIES]

Q: Are all the studies here followed in English or Afrikaans?
A: [STUDIES]It depends a bit. The policies are that in the first and second year level we teach English and
 Afrikaans. So we have English groups and Afrikaans groups. In the third level and upwards we do
 bilingual but mostly English. The policy of the university is that we are a bilingual University on
 academic level, but we actually speak three languages.[/STUDIES]

Q: Three?
A: [STUDIES]Yes English, Afrikaans and [NOISE][/NOISE] So in official documentation you now see a third languages.
 But teaching is in English and Afrikaans. [/STUDIES]So if it is economically viable, 
for example in one of our Afrikaanse courses we only have 5 students, is not economically viable to do it in english.

Q: In what way is the study falling rating expressed. In Holland we have something like European Credit point.
A: [SYSTEM]Yes we have this also. We call them modules, each module has a credit assigned to it. 
First year module is typically be 8 credits and that will equate to 80 hours. 80 hours. 
So it is expected that for an 8 credit course you spend 80 hours. On average a degree is about 420 credits for 3 years. 
After that the credit system stops. So we do have a credit based system. Once you have done all 
you modules and you have to calculate a average for you degree then the credits are used as weights.[/SYSTEM]

Q: So to compare you have to work 1400 hours per year in our system we have 1628 hours per year.
A: [SYSTEM]I’m sure your credit system is much more standardized.[/SYSTEM] 

Q: Well thank you for you answers, you helped us a lot.

Interview 5 (NL)

Q: De eerste vraag die ook gesteld is in Zuid-Afrika, heeft de Universiteit ICT gerelateerde
 faculteiten. En dat is het geval.
A: [STUDIES]Laten we de B faculteit maar een ICT gerelateerde faculteit noemen.[/STUDIES]

Q: [STUDIES]Oké, ik weet zelf bijvoorbeeld dat er Artificial Intelligence is, maar die behoort ook toe tot de
 sociale wetenschappen faculteit. 
A: Ja, dat zou je ook een ICT gerelateerde studie kunnen noemen. [/STUDIES]

Q: Oké, maar verder, welke opleidingsrichtingen zitten er in deze faculteit welke ICT gerelateerd
A: [STUDIES]Informatica en Informatiekunde. [/STUDIES]

Q: [STUDIES]En de toelatingseisen die zijn ,VWO..[/STUDIES]
A: Mm.. (interpretatie: Ja)

Q: En, Hbo hebben we natuurlijk ook nog.
A: [STUDIES]Ja, Hbo zijn extra eisen afhankelijk van de opleiding die gedaan is. Komt er een schakelprogramma
 van ongeveer een half jaar uit. Als het een gerelateerde opleiding is. En als het een niet
 gerelateerde opleiding is, dan kan het eigenlijk ook niet. [/STUDIES]

Q: Is er ook bekent bij u, hoeveel studenten zich jaarlijks aanmelden, voor een ICT gerelateerde
A: [STUDIES]Al die dingen samen? Ik denk, ik weet bij Informatica, Informatiekunde Bachelor/Master zijn er
 ongeveer 80 met AritificialIntelligence zijn dat er ongeveer 20. Dus samen zijn dat er ongeveer 100?

Q: [SYSTEM]Oké, en de opleiding bestaat uit Bachelor/Master. Ja, [/SYSTEM] voor de hand
 liggend, maar die vraag is ook in Zuid-Afrika gesteld, maar het het is een ander kennisniveau hier
 om de vragen te stellen dan daar. Het slaginspercentage is dat bekent? Wat is gemiddeld genomen het
 slagingspercentage? [Failure level]
A: Geen idee, wil je het echt weten?

Q: Als het kan, dan...
A: (zoekt het op in rapport)

Q: Is dat een jaarlijks rapport?
A: Nee, eens in de zoveel jaar wordt dat uitgegeven. (Zoekt) Ik dacht dat het hier in stond. [STUDIES]75% is
 het aantal studiepunten wat studenten gemiddeld halen. En als je denkt van.. Ik denk dat 70% ook
 wel het rendement is van studenten dat het uiteindelijk haalt. Dus dat zou ongeveer in dezelfde
 orde van grote liggen. [/STUDIES]
Q: En staat er ook nog een landelijk gemiddelde bij?
A: [STUDIES]Dat is een beetje subtiel, of het daar boven of onder ligt bedoel je? Ik denk dat dat ongeveer
 hetzelfde is. [/STUDIES]

Q: Ongeveer hetzelfde, ja Oké. Ja, we hebben nog de vraag welke verschillende etnische groepen
 melden zich jaarlijks aan bij ICT gerelateerde studies bij deze Universiteit?
A: Welke verschillende etnische groepen melden zich jaarlijks aan. Ik houd het niet bij. Het wordt
 niet eens bijgehouden. Het is niet iets wat in de databases voorkomt. (lachen) Om discriminatie te
 voorkomen wordt dat niet apart bijgehouden. Maar goed, wat voor etnische groepen. In Nederland
 etnische groepen?

Q: In Nederland hebben we Surinamers, Antillianen, ... ? [EthnicalGroups]
A: [CULTURE]Het is er allemaal. Ik ken afstudeerders die uit Suriname komen, afstudeerder
 die uit de Antillen komen. Ik ken afstudeerders die uit Marroko komen, uit Turkije komen, of uit
 Duitsland komen.[/CULTURE] Telt dat als etnische groep? Ja ik weet het niet.

Q: Ja dat schalen we dan onder etniciteit.
A: [CULTURE]We hebben ook een paar Chineze rondlopen hier, en iemand uit iets Arabisch, waar weet ik niet

Q: Oké.
A: moeilijk te zeggen.

Q:Oké. In ieder geval breed.
A: Ja, maar die aantallen zijn allemaal niet zo groot. [CULTURE]Het gros wat hier zit is gewoon Nederlands.
 Maar voor de rest, alle etnische groepen die er zijn komen wel voor. Ik zou niet
 weten, wat heb je nog.. Ik kan geen etnische groepen uit Nederland verzinnen die niet voorkomen.
 Mensen van de Molukken, komt dat voor? Volgens mij komt dat ook wel voor. Volgens mij hebben we het
 allemaal wel gehad.[/CULTURE]

Q: Oké, nou prima. Wat dan de meest voorkomende is, ie vraag is dan ook al beantwoordt.
A: [CULTURE]Ja, dat is gewoon standaard Nederlans.[/CULTURE]

Q: En hoe zit dat met betrekking tot vrouwen dan? Vrouwelijke studenten die zich aanmelden?
A: [CULTURE]Ja hetzelfde. Maar dat zijn er niet zo heel veel. Er is maar een laag percentage vrouwen. En,
 maar die komen ook wel uit alle geledingen.[/CULTURE] Volgens mij. Ik denk niet dat dat anders is.

Q: En kunt u een schatting maken van het percentage vrouwen wat zich aanmeldt?
A: 7,5%, tussen de 5 en 10%. Na, hou het op 10%, dan zijn we optimistisch.

Q: Oké, er wordt altijd gestreefd naar meer..
A: Ja, kijk om je heen.

Q: En dat is dan ook wel weer met het landelijke gemiddelde...
A: Ja, dat zal niet zoveel verschillen.

Q: Oké, ja wat is nou het grootste onderscheidt tussen de primaire ICT gerelateerde studies? Kijkend
 naar Informatiekunde, Informatica en KI. Het grootste verschil in kenmerkt.
A: [STUDIES]Informatica is gericht op de techniek. En allerlei dingen die met computer en software te maken
 hebben. En de theorie erachter natuurlijk. Informatiekunde, is meer op.. gaat meer tussen de
 organisatie, de mens en de techniek inzitten.  Uitgaand van de techniek ook. Maar gaat veel meer in
 op de menselijke en de organisatorische aspecten. Kunstmatige intelligentie, het woord zegt het al.
 Dat probeert techniek te verzinnen. Wat de mens voor een groot deel na doet. Dat is een heel
 specifieke toepassing. Waarbij allebei de aspecten een rol kunnen spelen. Zowel de Informatiekunde
 aspecten als wel de Informatica aspecten. Wat zich mikt op Kunstmatige Intelligentie. Een vreemd
 begrip, maar goed. Eigenlijk mikt het toch op dingen die het van de mens kan overnemen. Daarom ook
 meer te begrijpen. Nieuwe mogelijkheden creëren.[/STUDIES]

Q: [SYSTEM]Oké, prima. Bedankt voor de uitleg. Uhm, dan hebben we nog de vraag, voor die drie studies de
 master indeling. Voor Informatiekunde is dat dus 1 jaar.  Bij Infomatica is dat 2 jaar, dacht ik.
 Bij KI is dat dan? [Educationalstructure]
A: Ik dacht dat dat 2 jaar was, moet ik het opzoeken?

Q: Dat kunnen we zelf ook wel even doen.
A: Van de ene kant heb ik de nijging om 2 jaar te zeggen, anderzijds is dat iets wat bij de sociale
 faculteit hoort en dat is dan maar 1 jaar. Dus nu ga ik twijfelen. [SYSTEM]

Q: Ik ken wel mensen die de studie doen, maar eigenlijk nog nooit naar gevraagd.
A: Overigens wordt er gesproken om Informatiekunde ook twee jaar te maken. Dat staat nog ter
 discussie. Er is ook nog een securityMaster. Maar dat is formeel niet een andere master. In
 samenwerking met Eindhoven en Twente. Waarbij alle vakken met Security zijn ingevuld.

Q: Maar, dat is alleen voor Informatica?
A: Ja.

Q: Op welke manier wordt er onderscheid gemaakt tussen theorie en praktijk?
A: (Denkt)

Q: Redelijk ruim begrip nog, maar..
A: Op welke manier wordt er onderscheidt gemaakt tussen theorie en praktijk?

Q: Te denken valt bijvoorbeeld aan de studiebelasting. Is er zoveel uur ingericht voor praktische
 vaardigheden en zoveel uur voor theoretische vaardigheden?
A: Dat is niet zo geregeld. [STUDIES]Maar er is wel redelijk wat aandacht voor praktische vaardigheden. Er is
 ook heel veel aandacht voor theoretische vaardigheden. Dus ik denk dat er als geheel gesproken,
 meer aandacht is voor de theoretische vaardigheden. Maar dat bij wel heel veel vakken die
 praktische vaardigheden ook aan bod komen.[/STUDIES]

Q: [STUDIES]Oké. En dat verschilt dan nog voor Informatica kan ik me voorstellen, omdat dat ook de
 programmeer kant is, meer praktische vaardigheden.
A: Ja. Dat is ook zo. [/STUDIES]

Q: Hoe tentamineren plaatsvindt kunnen we wel beantwoorden. (Kennis van de opleiding) Bij
 Informatiekunde is daar ook gelegenheid tot stage lopen?
A: [STUDIES]Ja, in de zin van de afstudeeropdracht kun je in de vorm van een stage uitvoeren. Daar moet je
 wel mee uitkijken. Je bent een half jaar van de wereld, maar wat je er dan gedaan hebt, doet er dat
 even niet toe. Maar je hebt wel een leuke stage gelopen. Het kan, dat het puur gaat om de ervaring
 op te doen. Dan wordt je de deur uit geschopt. Je hebt het goed gedaan. Dat soort stages hebben we
 bij Informatica niet en ook bij Informatiekunde niet. We hebben we stages waarbij het gaat om een
 bepaalde afstudeeropdracht, een onderzoek en een taak die daarbij hoort. Dat doe je dan in een
 bedrijfscontext. En dat wordt dan een stage genoemd. Maar in feite ben je dan afstudeerwerk aan het
 doen in dat bedrijf. En die scriptie moet hier beoordeeld worden vanuit de Universiteit. En het
 komt voor dat mensen de stage goed hebben afgesloten. Een baan aangeboden krijgen en ook al
 aangenomen hebben, maar nog steeds bezig zijn met de scriptie. De scriptie is nog steeds niet
 Het komt voor, het is niet de bedoeling. Het is meer om het onderscheid aan te geven, dat het echt
 niet zo is als je een beetje rondgelopen hebt en ervaring opgedaan hebt, dan is het klaar.  Het is
 een beetje een Christelijke definitie, in de zin van je voert iets uit in de praktijk, is het een
 stage. Maar in de pure betekenis van ervaring opdoen in een andere context is het geen stage, want
 de ervaring is maar een onderdeel. [/STUDIES]

Q: [STUDIES]Geldt dan bij Informatica wel dat in de bachelor een stage mogelijk is?
A: Nee, nee. Deze regels zijn voor Informatica en Informatiekunde precies hetzelfde. Het geldt
 alleen voor afstudeer werk. [/STUDIES]

Q: De titel voor afgestudeerd masterInformatica student is Ir.?
A: [SYSTEM]Nee dat is Master.[SYSTEM]

Q: ... Die titel mag niet meer gevoerd worden?
A: Volgens mij mag dat nog steeds, maar ik hoor het nooit meer. Het is allebei gewoon master.
 Computer science en Informationscience.

Q: (Kijkt op blaadje) We gaan er redelijk snel doorheen.
A: Goedzo.

Q: De kosten voor de studie Informatica en Informatiekunde liggen vast. Is er ook een mogelijkheid
 voor deeltijd variant? Is het mogelijk een programma samen te stellen voor mensen uit het
 bedrijfsleven die dan daarnaast....?
A: [STUDIES]In een pessimistische bui denk je wel eens studenten doen het allemaal in deeltijd. Uhm... Het is
 wel zo dat heel veel studenten een bijbaan hebben. Dus in die zin dat ze defacto zeker wel in
 deeltijd studeren. En dat regelen ze dan zelf op een of andere manier. Maar we hebben geen apart
 curriculum voor mensen die avondstudie doen, of dat alle college op een bepaalde dag vallen. Dat
 soort dingen hebben we allemaal niet. Dus formeel hebben we geen deeltijd constructies. Maar
 gebeurt het eigenlijk heel vaak. Mensen die een eigen bedrijf hebben, een baan hebben. Dat zijn er
 heel veel. En de meeste docenten gaan er flexibel mee om. Als je zegt, volgende week heb ik dit, en
 dat. Als je je ding maar doet. [/STUDIES]

Q: Oké. Buiten de IB-groep om, is er nog een mogelijk om de studie te financieren? Of wordt dat niet
 vanuit de Universiteit aangeboden?
A: [SYSTEM]Er zijn wel beurzen soms. Maar daar moet je zelf naar opzoek. Ik weet dat Philips ooit een beurs
 gaf voor kinderen. Maar dan moet je geluk hebben dat je ouders bij Philips werken. We hebben we
 prijzen voor scripties. Als waardering, wat weer een bijrage levert aan je studie. Maar het is
 gewoon een prijs voor de beste scriptie. En er is een aanmoediging voor de beste propedeuse
 De beste eerstejaars krijgt 1000 euro. Student-assistent krijgen ook betaald om andere te hebben
 bij het onderwijs. [/SYSTEM]

Q: We hebben het net al even gehad over de security specialisatie. Is dat de enige specialisatie die
 wordt aangeboden?
A: [STUDIES]Het sterft van de specialisaties. Is er nog een bijzondere specialisatie. In het onderzoek zijn
 veel specialisaties. Wil je die allemaal weten? Dan moet ik ze opzoeken op het net... Al die dingen
 kun je wel van het net afplukken. Maar je hebt ook maatschappelijke specialisaties. Waarbij je meet
 bezig bent met het maatschappelijk belang, hoe het organisatorisch allemaal werkt. Maatschappelijk
 managementachtig zeg maar. En je hebt een educatieve en een communicatieve. Educatief als leraar.
 Volgend jaar pas officieel maar dat roepen we ieder jaar. En een communicatie variant waarbij het
 meer gaat over wetenschappelijke journalistiek. Maar dat zijn geen andere opleidingen maar
 specialisaties. [/STUDIES]
Q: Ik heb verder geen vragen meer.

Interview 6 (NL)

Q: Wat zijn de verschillende ICT gerelateerde studies die 
gegeven worden op de Universiteit?
A: [STUDIES]We hebben drie opleidingen Informatica, 
informatiekunde en Kunstmatige intelligentie. 
Dit zijn de computer of informatie wetenschappen. 
Informatica houdt zich bezig met techniek. Informatiekunde 
is meer de brug tussen techniek en mens. Kunstmatige Intelligentie 
gaat over het na bouwen van intelligentie systemen. Het denken 
van computer en menselijke denken.[/STUDIES]

Q: Wat zijn de toelatings eisen?
A: [STUDIES]Dat verschilt, ik weet het niet meer precies 
volgens mij voor informatica het vwo profiel natuur
 en techniek misschien ook nog wel natuur en gezondheid. 
Voor Informatiekunde en Kunst matige
 intelligentie maakt de samenstelling van het profiel niet 
uit mits je voldoende wiskunde hebt gehad
Wiskunde is sowieso een eis voor alle drie de studies ook 
een HBO propedeuse is voldoende maar dit komt bijna niet voor.[/STUDIES]

Q: Hoeveel studenten melden zich gemiddeld per jaar aan?
A: [STUDIES]Voor de studie Informatica ruwweg tussen 20 30 studenten per jaar.
Voor informatiekunde tussen de 10 en 20 studenten.
Bij KI ook tussen 20 en de 30 studenten.[/STUDIES]

Q: Wat is het slagingspercentage?
A: [STUDIES]Rendement gegevens heb ik niet. Grote afval 
percentages vind je in het eerste jaar. 25% haalt het propedeuse in 1 jaar.
Moet toch een beetje gissen denk rond de 70% die het 
tweede jaar behalen. Studenten die aan het
tweede jaar beginnen halen meestal wel hun Bachelor 
en in veel gevallen daarna ook hun Master.[/STUDIES]

Q: Kunt u wat zeggen van etnische groepen die zich aanmelden?
A: [CULTURE]Schat dat per jaar 10% van de studenten buitenlands is. 
Voor de Master wat meer  maar over deze percentage kan 
ik niet veel zeggen.[/CULTURE]
Q: Wat is het percentage man vrouw bij de opleidingen?
A: [CULTURE]Bij informatica heb je bijna geen vrouwen. 
Bij informatiekunde iets meer misschien 10% vrouwen.
Denk bij KI 40% vrouwelijke studenten, duidelijk meer 
dan bij informatica en informatiekunde.[/CULTURE]

Q: Wat is de gemiddelde studiebelasting per week?

A: [SYSTEM]We streven naar 40 uur per week kan iets meer 
zijn per week maar sommige periodes zijn ook wat rustiger.[/SYSTEM]

Q: Wat is de verhouding praktijk ,theorie?
A: [STUDIES]De verhouding is lastig aan te gegeven, dat is 
cursus afhankelijk bij Informatica waar ik zelf bij betrokken 
ben weet ik meer vanaf. Je hebt een aantal erg theoretische 
cursussen, maar ook een aantal hele praktische componenten. 
We hebben geen stages . Wat wel voor komt is dat studenten 
een soort van afstudeer stage doen in het laatste deel van 
hun Master studie en gaan vaak bij een bedrijf afstuderen. 
Maar we hebben geen echte stage periode als bij hbo opleidingen 
waar je een periode meeloopt bij een ICT bedrijf.[/STUDIES]

[STUDIES] Studenten doen wel een afstudeerstage welke ze vaak 
bij een bedrijf doen maar is moeilijk in te schatten er is niet 
echt een stage periode schat het percentage bij informatica 
van de 180 EC daarvan 30 puur theoretisch en ik schat z´n 60,60 
praktisch en daarnaast ook nog 30 EC vrije keuze dit is dus 
afhankelijk wat je kiest, maar zal meestal theoretisch van aard zijn.[/STUDIES]

Q: Hoe wordt de studie belasting gemeten?
A: [SYSTEM]6ec is 168 uur dan kun je terug rekenen hoeveel 
uur 1 EC is. De meeste cursussen zijn 6 EC. Het wordt proef 
ondervindelijk vast gesteld, maar als docent maak je een 
planning waarbij je probeert te bedenken hoeveel tijd een 
activiteit in beslag neemt. De gemaakte planning wordt 
achteraf ook bijgesteld door feedback en enquête[/SYSTEM]

Q :Welke titels kun je met deze opleidingen behalen?
A :[SYSTEM]Aan het einde van je Bachelor  de Bachelor 
titel, Bachelor deze is  enigszins vergelijkbaar met die 
van de HBO. Een HBO Bachelor geeft toegang tot de 
Master opleiding.  HBO die studenten die een Master 
programma willen volgen, volgen wel een schakel programma 
omdat HBO studenten toch wat praktischer zijn ingesteld en 
minder theoretisch en wetenschappelijk. Na afronding van de 
ICT opleidingen mag je je Master of Science noemen.[/SYSTEM]

Q: Hoe vindt de graduatie plaats?[Degree’s]
A: [SYSTEM]Studenten kunnen een Propedeuse, Bachelor en 
Master diploma ontvangen en deze zijn internationaal herken[/SYSTEM]

Q: Welke Mogelijkheden voor financiering zijn er?
[SYSTEM]A:Studiefinanciering of zelf werken. Zo ver 
ik weet zijn er geen andere structurele mogelijkheden. 
Groot deel van studenten hebben binnen de ICT branch een 
bijbaan en zijn dus niet  alleen afhankelijk van 
studiefinanciering. De gemiddelde student werkt 
toch 1 dag per week.[/SYSTEM]

Q: Welke specialisatie mogelijkheden zijn er?
[STUDIES] A:Student moeten tijdens hun Master al tonen 
dat ze het onderzoek in willen. Ze moeten tot de betere 
studenten horen. We hebben redelijk wat promotie plaatsen. 
Je hebt heel veel richtingen die je op kunt gaan binnen 
de informatica Wat men kiest is heel sterkt afhankelijk van de 
afstudeer opdracht.[/STUDIES]