Architecture and New Challenges/architectural assessment

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Architecture and New Challenges

Hanno Wupper

 © comments

The deliverable of an architectural assessment has to be readable and acceptable for the stakeholders involved. It should be clear and concise.

The outlines below are not meant as a form to be filled in by the architect and then to be delivered. They are meant as a mental aid not to forget important aspects.


During the beginning of a project one should make explicit what is given and what is sought. The outline below, based on part I of the (Dutch) book on architecture can help.

In first instance, do not give specifications, blueprints, principles etc. here but rather explain what is known about them.

  • the goal of the architectural assessment, for example:
    • assessment of the quality of an existing artefact
    • design of something new
    • modification of somehing that exists
    • reconstruction of the necessary rules for an existing artefact
  • viewpoints
  • the fragment of reality under discussion and what is known about it
    • the artefact (bottom left in the rationality square: a thing in physical reality)
      • Which fragment?
      • Does it exist already?
        • Not yet.
        • Yes, but it has to be replaced. (Why?)
          • Which rules belong to it at present?
        • Yes, but is has to be extended.
          • Which rules belong to it at present?
      • Has the solution domain already been fixed? (e.g. web-application, smartphone-app, Microsoft, open source)? Which and why?
        • Is the necessary knowledge of the solution domain available? Where?
      • What is known about the environment?
        • all other concern systems
        • all unofficial systems whithin the organisation
        • Which hard- and software is used by the intended users when they are not at work?
    • the desired properties (bottom right in the rationality square: What does it have to do, and why?)
      • How are these properties defined?
        • A vague feeling?
        • Vague unhappiness with existing situation?
        • The wish to connect existing systems?
        • By a written specification?
      • Are we sure the real problem is identified?
      • What are the principles of the organisation?
        • Are they written somewhere, for example in a mission statement?
        • Are they internalised by the members of the organisation?
    • the specification
      • Is there a written specification? If yes:
        • Is it really a specification, rather than a blueprint or a pile of technical documentation?
        • Who is able to read and understand it?
        • How much freedom does this specification allow for the choice of a solution?
        • Have all stakeholders accepted this specification?
      • Is it a wicked problem??
    • the blueprint (top left in rationality square)
      • is there a complete blueprint...
        • of the hardware
        • of the software
        • of the necessary rules
          • for use
          • for maintenance?
      • In which languages or formalisms is the blueprint written?
        • Which tools are necessary for it?

Field of stakeholders

  1. Who is the sponsor?
    • his principles / mission?
      • What has to be expressed?
      • How does the sponsor see the employees of his own organisation?
    • Does the sponsor understand his own possibilities and limitations?
      • Which problem domain knowledge does the sponsor himself have? Does he have domain experts? Where?
      • How will the quality of the artefact be assessed?
      • Is agile development known? Applicable?
      • What are the sponsor's ideas about contractor and architect?
  2. Who are the users?
    • Which different groups?
    • Do they own domain knowledge?
    • What kind of people?
    • How do they feel their relation to the sponsor?
    • Principles, ethics, ...
    • ergonomics
    • feeling
  3. Has a contractor been chosen? Who?
    • Monopoly?
    • Is the contractor playing more than one role?
    • What is his domain knowledge?
    • State of the art?
    • Limited to certain techniques?
    • Growth and agile development?
  4. What is the environment?
    • People
    • neighbouring systems
    • Internet, verkehr
    • Organisations
    • Servers, providers
    • Nature
    • Legislation, roles, etc.
    • How important is experience?
  5. Who is the architect?
    • Independent? Playing more than one role?
    • competent?
    • which development methods? Agile, if necessary?


Dit is gebaseerd op deel II van het boek.

  • utilitas
    • is er zicht op de bestaande situatie?
      • onzichtbare wildgroei
        • weet de leiding wat er allemaal is?
        • wil men het serieus weten?
        • worden medewerkers met eigenbouw-systemen serieus genomen?
      • inconsistentie
        • is er organisatiebreed bewustzijn dat de informatie consistent moet zijn, ook dwars door verschillende databases?
      • inkapeseling
        • is de leiding ervan doordrongen dat er winst te halen valt uit de koppeling van bestaande systemen? wordt dit ondersteund, ook wat security- en privacy-vraagstukken betreft?
      • vergeten regels
        • is er binnen de organisatie de wil, in te zien dat bij elk systeem regels horen?
      • EPS-oplossingen
        • wat is de bedrijfscultuur t.a.v. EPS-oplossingen?
      • angst voor verandering
        • wordt hiermee rekening gehouden? of dienen de medewerkers zich maar schikken?
      • menselijke machines
        • als medewerkers met administratieve taken door automatisering overbodig worden, wat is hun perspectief binnen de organisatie?
    • is er een visie op de toekomstige ontwikkeling? wat staat daarover op papier?
      • ruimtelijke ordening
      • verantwoordelijkheid op de juiste plek
      • behoedzaamheid
      • standaarden
  • firmitas
    • is men sich bewust van:
      • stabiliteitsvragen?
      • houdbaarheidsvragen?
        • hoe lang moet iets meegaan?
        • hoe afhankelijk is iets van de omgeving?
      • lokale integriteitsvragen?
        • hoe zeer is iedereen doordrongen van missie en principes?
      • globale integriteitsvragen?
  • venustas
    • wordt er, voor zover van toepassing, bewust gestreefd naar schoonheid m.b.t.
      • statisch uiterlijk?
      • dynamisch gedrag?
      • talen?
      • onderliggende structuren?
  • de menselijke maat: welke aspecten zijn van toepassing? is men zich ervan bewust?
    • lichaam
    • verstand
    • gevoel
    • cultuur