Taxonomy/2. Methodology/Focus (architecture)

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Problem statement form architecture

Please stay at one level and don't climb up and down! It can be helpful, however, also to fill in a problem statement form for the surrounding artefact.

Problem statement
Problem (a short name for identification)
Question Answer Explanation
  • o quality assessment of an existing artefact
  • o design
  • o reconstruction of principles
  • o recostruction of rules
  • o ...
Fragment of reality
How are the desired →properties (not its design or structure) of the artefact under discussion defined?
  • o by explicitely stated principles and requirements?
  • o implicitely by an existing →artefact?
  • o implicitly by the needs of a surrounding artefact
  • o by a given →blueprint
  • o by a more or less vague idea of a customer
    • o together with an incomplete →artefact
    • o together with a partial blueprint
    • o together with explicitly stated principles
    • o together with users' wishes
  • ...
Can the customer be consulted? Who?
What is the problem domain?
Can a Domain expert for the problem domain be consulted? Who?
→principles and →requirements
Are the →principles of the (organisation of the) →customer known?
  • o Yes, they are stated explicitly in...
  • o No, but the customer is willing to help to make them explicit.
  • o No, and the customer cannot help to make them explicit.
Are the →reqirements (on a lower level than principles)?
  • o Yes, they are stated explicitly in...
    • o They are negotiable.
    • o They are not negotiable.
  • o No, but the customer is willing to help to make them explicit.
  • o No, and the customer cannot help to make them explicit.
If principles and requirements are not fixed: how can it be Validated?
Which blueprint language is (to be) used? Why?
How complete is the blueprint?
  • o non-existent
  • o decomposition in parts
  • o some parts, but not all are well-specified
    • o rules for users are specified
    • o rules for administrators ad maintenance are specified
  • o complete, including the necessary rules
Do the providers of parts or their Domain experts understand the respective →specification languages from the →blueprint?
How should it be established that the blueprint satisfies the principles and requerements?
How should it be established that the artefact is a correct realisation of the blueprint?
How much of the artefact exists? Where?
  • o The entire artefact exists.
  • o Most of the artefact exists, but something has to be added.
    • o hardware
    • o software
    • o people following the rules
  • o All of its parts exist but are not yet assembled.
  • o Nothing exists.
If it does not (fully) exist, how and by whom will it be realised?
What are the solution domains for the missing parts?
Who are the Domain experts for the missing parts and their interfaces?
How can the artefact be Validated w.r.t. a specification?
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