Software Security/Pixy

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  • Group 9 spotted that Yasca supports a pixy plugin which includes pixy v3.03, but could not get it to work.
  • Group 9 found a mirror here:
  • According to CERN, 3.03 is the latest version. The tool seems to be abandoned right now, as the main author has finished his/her PhD at TU Wien, but we are still trying to contact the authors about this. The author finally responds and the site is coming back online!
  • It probably needs lots of memory to work on this project. I ran it on index.php and changed runall.bat to give it 2G of memory, and it still throws an Out of Memory exception. Setting it any higher kills my PC. Peter Gyorok 10 apr 2011 14:09 (UTC)

  • When we used the tools in a computer, it's very difficult to find some errors in the result because there is a lot of no problem write in the terminal and there is not file result. we can't used a directory but just file one by one, we lost a lot of vulnerabilities between interactions files. Pierre Bourbon 28 apr 2011 20:55 (UTC)