Software Security/PHPSAT

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Tried to install but with no success. It requires Stratego/XT, but when trying to build that (more precisely, aterm-2.5) it gives the following error:

configure:21290: error: cannot compute sizeof (void *)

I'm doing it on Windows using MSYS. Any help would be appreciated. Peter Gyorok 10 apr 2011 11:19 (UTC)

Does not install on Ubuntu 10.10. Error message: error: possibly undefined macro: AC_DISABLE_STATIC
If this token and others are legitimate, please use m4_pattern_allow
See the Autoconf documentation. error: possibly undefined macro: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL
autoreconf: /usr/bin/autoconf failed with exit status: 1
Gabor Angyal 14 apr 2011 13:41 (UTC)

  • It DOES install on Ubuntu 10.10. It might be hard to meet all dependencies and configure everything correctly by yourself, though. The most painless path is perhaps by using the Nix Package Manager, which you can install in Ubuntu and other Linux distros; or simply use NixOS. --Roberto Lie 16 apr 2011 01:57 (UTC)
  • I have installed VirtualBox and Ubuntu 10.10 just for this purpose and I struggled with with that Nix thing to get it to work and now at least it runs. I'll try to run it on the project later. Peter Gyorok 19 apr 2011 18:33 (UTC)

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