Software Security/Group 3/Log
Uit Werkplaats
< Software Security | Group 3
This log is by no means up to complete. It should merely give a general indication of when the group was focused on which subjects. It should not be meant for auditing to see exactly whom did what at what time, or to check if everyone contributed equally. Some people logged less items here or chose to only log big sessions instead of a few smaller ones. The group believes workload has been equally distributed across the members. |
Date | Activity | By |
March 26 | Formed group | All |
March 27 | Picked subject | All |
April 09 | Setting up testing environment with phpbb2 and codescanning tool RATS | Jeroen |
April 10 | Studying exception constructions in PHP and common in software | All |
April 11 | Codescanning with RATS | Jeroen |
April 11 | Manually queyring the software for common Exception flaw described in the literature | Jeroen |
April 19 | 10.15 Meeting to discuss the code analysing tools | All |
April 19 | Updating planning, adding Error Handling and Logging Verification Requirements | Jeroen |
April 19 | Installing Yasca and the plugins. Codescanning with Yasca | Hugo |
April 19 | 10.45 Finaly got SWAAT to run in a Windows XP vm, with an old version of .NET | Robbert |
April 19 | 11.30 Setting up a git repo to store results | Robbert |
April 19 | 12.30 Manually browsing through the code, manually 'testing' the forum [and lunch] | Robbert |
April 19 | 13:30 Setting up PHP-SAT | Robbert |
April 19 | 14:20 Running PHP-SAT on certain files | Robbert |
April 19 | 14:30-16:15 Interpreting the results | Robbert |
April 19 | Install and run Pixy | Niels |
April 21 | Updating report | Jeroen |
April 21 | 11:00 Progress meeting | All |
April 21 | 11:35 Analyzing output tools & Updating the wiki | Robbert |
April 21 | More attempts at running Pixy | Niels |
April 22 | Pixy report | Niels |
May 10 | Update planning | Jeroen |
May 12 | Updating some comments of Erik Poll | Jeroen |
May 24 | Update planning | Jeroen |
May 24 | Grepping through the source code for v8.9 | Hugo |
June 1 | Created&updated section v8.1 with previous results | Robbert |
June 6 | Update planning and v8.2 | Jeroen |
June 8 | Update planning and v8.3 | Jeroen |
June 8 | Analysed and reported on requirement v8.6 | Robbert |
June 8 | Updated verdict | Robbert |
June 15 | Finalizing Yasca review and restructuring wiki pages | Hugo |
June 17 | Minor modifications to verdict page and requirement V8.6 | Robbert |
June 17 | Added 'top10' page linking our research to previous OWASP Top 10. Modified deliverable page | Robbert |
June 17 | Major restructuring of the code scanning results pages | Robbert |
June 17 | Updated Pixy, answers to comments | Niels |
June | Manual Codescan | Niels |
June 17 | Thorough review of function message_die | Niels |
June 17 | Presentation | All |
June 24 | Presentation | All |
To do
Workpackage nr | Task | Assigned to | Status |
1 | Study literature, OWASP AVL | All | Finished |
2 | Pixy install, run, update, give opinion | Niels | Finished |
3 | PHP-SAT install, run, update, give opinion | Robbert | Finished |
4 | SWAAT install, run, update, give opinion | Robbert | Finished |
5 | RATS install, run, update, give opinion | Jeroen | Finished |
6 | Yasca install, run, update, give opinion | Hugo | Finished |
7 | Codescan install, run, update, give opinion | nobody | Skipped |
8 | Codesecure install, run, update, give opinion | nobody | Skipped |
9 | Fortify install, run, update, give opinion | Bert | Finished |
10 | Manual check results, Read and analyse code manually | All | Finished |
11 | Processing results in single report relevant to the OWASP v8 part | All | Finished |
12 | Fixing Eriks recommandations | All | Finished |
13 | Adding more arguments to claims and assumptions (also part of 12) | All | Finished |
14 | Requirement v8.1, v8.6 | Robbert | Finished |
15 | Requirement v8.4, v8.5, filesplit | Bert | Finished |
16 | Requirement v8.10, v8.7 | Niels | Finished |
17 | Requirement v8.11, v8.9 | Hugo | Finished |
18 | Requirement v8.2, v8.3 | Jeroen | Finished |
19 | Requirement v8.8 | Bert | Finished |
20 | Requirement v8.12 | Hugo | Finished |
21 | Extending Reflection | All | Finished |