SoftwareSecurity2013/Group 8/Log

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Action: Date: Time spent: Comments:
Making a group and deciding on the subject 28/3/2013 2 hours Verification Requirements V5 for FluxBB
Downloading and installing fortify 23/4/2013 3 hours Some errors with the licence file
Scanning code 25/4/2013 4 hours Total of 2417 Errors found with Fortify and 6 possibly vulnerable functions with Rats
Wiki paged updated 25/4/2013 1 hour
Installing FluxBB forum 25/4/2013 1 hour
Running RIPS & Manual code inspection 02/5/2013 4 hour
Requirements checking 16/5/2013 4 hours We checked the requirements for level 2B (5.1 through 5.7)
Requirements checking and reporting 06/06/2013 5 hours Finished requirements checking and expanded our report
Discussion and presentation preparation 13/06/2013 5.5 hours
Presentation preparation 20/06/2013 4 hours