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For installing Yasca on a windows machine with a plugin, you will have to do the following:

  • Extract the Yasca core module, available for download here: [1].
  • Now you can run the Yasca core already by opening a command line session and executing the yasca.exe executable that you can find in the extracted package. As a parameter, you have to give the full path to the root of the project you want to analyze.
  • When you want to install plugins, you need to create a static analyzers folder. for example c:\staticAnalysers\
  • Next, there are three options.

1. Add the path to c:\staticAnalysers\ as a system variable in windows called SA_HOME (advanced system properties ==> environment variables).

2. Add the path to c:\staticAnalysers\ as a temporary system variable in windows by executing the command set SA_HOME=c:\staticAnalysers\. Check if these two options work by executing the command echo %SA_HOME% and see if the correct path is returned.

3. Executing the yasca.exe with the -sa_home=c:\staticAnalysers\ argument. You will have to do this on every run of the program.

  • Now, download a plugin that you want to use with Yasca and extract the content of the downloaded package in the staticAnalysers folder.

You don't need a separate folder for every plugin. If you install more than one plugin, you can merge the folders if there already exist folders in the staticAnalysers folder.

Note: The execution of the PHPLint plugin takes a long while! Don't make the same mistake as we did and trying to fix something that ain't broken!

Difficulty installing PHPLint plugin

There was a small fix needed for the PHPLint plugin to work. The phplint.bat file in the C:\staticAnalysers\Resources\utility\ folder needed to be adapted to work properly (at least, in our situation):

  • old line:@resources\utility\phplint\phplint.exe --modules-path .\resources\utility\phplint\modules "%~1"
  • new line:@%SA_HOME%resources\utility\phplint\phplint.exe --modules-path .\resources\utility\phplint\modules "%~1"