Research and Development 1/^Archief/2007-2008/projecten/Botnet/Eindverslag/bib

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@string{honey		= "The Honeynet Project \& Research Alliance"}
@string{ieee = "IEEE Computer Society"}

  AUTHOR	= "Brad Smith",
  TITLE		= "A Storm (Worm) Is Brewing",
  JOURNAL	= ieee,
  MONTH		= feb,
  YEAR		= "2008",
  PUBLISHER = ieee

  AUTHOR	= "Greg Goth",
  TITLE		= "Fast Moving Zombies",
  JOURNAL	= ieee,
  YEAR		= "2007",
  PUBLISHER = ieee

	author = "Paul Bächer, Markus Kötter, Thorsten Holz, Georg Wicherski",
	title  ="Know your Enemy: Tracking Botnets",
	year = "2005",
	institution = honey,
	PUBLISHER = "Wold Wide Web",
  address = {\\ \URL{}},
  note = "\\ 
  Het artikel betreft een white paper uitgebracht door The Honeynet Project \& Research Alliance op 13 maart 2005. Met behulp van honeypots hebben ze diverse botnets geprobeert uit de kast te lokken."

	author = honey,
	title  ="Know Your Enemy: Fast-Flux Service Networks",
	year = "2007",
	institution = honey,
	PUBLISHER = "Wold Wide Web",
  address = {\\ \URL{}},
  note = "\\ 
  Het artikel betreft een white paper uitgebracht door The Honeynet Project \& Research Alliance op 13 juli 2007. Verschillende fast flux service netwerken zijn hierin tot het licht gebracht. Onder andere is het fast flux princiepe van Storm ook in het licht gebracht."

	author = "Joe Stewart",
	title  = "Storm Worm DDoS Attack",
	year = "2007",
	institution = "The SecureWorks Research Center",
	Publisher = {World Wide Web},
	address = {\\ \URL{}}

	author = "Joe Stewart",
	title  = "Ozdok/Mega-D Trojan Analysis",
	year = "2008",
	institution = "The SecureWorks Research Center",
	Publisher = {World Wide Web},
	address = {\\ \URL{}}

	author = "Paul Barford en Vinod Yegneswaran",
	title  = "An Inside Look at Botnets ",
	year = "2006",
	institution = "Shadowserver Foundation",
	Publisher = {World Wide Web},
	address = {\\ \URL{\~vinod/botnets.pdf}}

	author = {Marshal Limited},
	title  ={Mega-D accounts for 32\% of spam},
	note = {\\ Een trace blog over de hoeveelheid verstuurde spam door diverse botnets.},
	year = "2008",
	Publisher = {World Wide Web},
	address = {\\ \URL{\_pr\_2006-06-28.html}}

	author = {IronPort® Systems Inc.},
	title  ={Spammers Continue Innovation: IronPort Study Shows Image-based Spam, Hit \& Run, and Increased Volumes Latest Threat to Your Inbox},
	note = {\\ 
		Een artikel over de vooruitzichten van de spam-wereld.},
	year = {2006},
  institution = {IronPort® Systems Inc.},
  Publisher = {World Wide Web},
	address = {\\ \URL{\_pr\_2006-06-28.html}}

	author = {J. Klensin},
	title  ={Simple Mail Transfer Protocol},
	year = {2001},
	howpublished = {Als een publiekelijk request for comments document over het Simple Mail Transfer Protocol op het internet geplaatst.},
	institution = {Network Working Group},
	Publisher = {World Wide Web},
	address = {\\ \URL{}}
	author = { R. Siemborski en A. Melnikov},
	title  ={SMTP Service Extension for Authentication},
	year = {2007},
	howpublished = {Als een publiekelijk request for comments document over de SMTP extentie SMTP-auth op het internet geplaatst.},
	institution = {Network Working Group},
	Publisher = {World Wide Web},
	address = {\\ \URL{}}