Layout, newlines, headlines, text colour

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How can I influence the way my text appears?

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code effect explanation
Über allen Gipfeln
ist Ruh'.
In allen Wipfeln spürest du
kaum einen Hauch.

Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh'. In allen Wipfeln spürest du kaum einen Hauch.

Single changes to a new line are ignored. If your text appears as one long paragraph, you may want to change single to double new lines, zee below.
Über allen Gipfeln
ist Ruh'.

In allen Wipfeln spürest du
kaum einen Hauch.

Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh'.

In allen Wipfeln spürest du kaum einen Hauch.

A double change to a new line starts a new paragraph.
The text ''above'' 
is en '''example''' 
based on [[Wanderers Nachtlied]] 
by [[Johann Wolfgang von Goethe]].

The text above is en example based on Wanderers Nachtlied by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Italics, bold, links to other articles in this wiki

* Spirituality
** Forms
** Methods
* Spiritism
** Tables
** Glasses
* Spiritus
  • Spirituality
    • Forms
    • Methods
  • Spiritism
    • Tables
    • Glasses
  • Spiritus
Hierarchical dotted lists, for example to order your thoughts.
 + 1
+ 1
A space at the beginning of a line shows the line in a box in a special font where all characters have the same witdh.
# Spirituality
## Forms
## Methods
# Spiritism
## Tables
## Glasses
# Spiritus
  1. Spirituality
    1. Forms
    2. Methods
  2. Spiritism
    1. Tables
    2. Glasses
  3. Spiritus
Hierarchical numbered lists. The numbers are computed automatically.
== Inleiding ==


== The method ==
The method consists of three steps.

=== Step one ===




The method

The method consists of three steps.

Step one


Moreover, this wiki offers these templates:


Text in another colour.


Text marked with a neon marker.


Marker in another colour.


A text box
{{Page Break}}

Page Break

A grey line on the screen, but a hard page break in the printed version