Requirements Engineering/het werk/werkstuk/2008-9/Groep 05 3J/Usecases

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Versie door Joost Timmerman (overleg | bijdragen) op 5 jan 2009 om 04:21 (Use case '(de)Assign Experiment')
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Requirements Engineering

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Use cases

Use case 'Add user'

Use case name: Add user
Iteration Focused
Summary Actor creates new user
Triggers Actor needs to a new user
Assumptions N/A
Preconditions User is authenticated as Administrator, Teacher or Scientist
Basic course of events
  1. Actor decides to create new user
  2. Actor enters name
  3. Actor selects user type to student, teacher, scientist or administrator
  4. Actor sets user group
  5. Actor sets user budget
  6. Actor submits
  7. System confirms
Alternative path 1
  1. Actor decides to create several user accounts from a list
  2. System asks for input of list
  3. Actor gives list as input
  4. Actor sets default user type to student, teacher, scientist or administrator
  5. Actor sets default group
  6. Actor sets default budget
  7. Actor submits
  8. System confirms addition of users
Alternative path 2
(to basic)
  1. System rejects user, user name already exists.
  2. Actors enters (new) user name
  3. Actor submits, proceed to step 6
Alternative path 3
(to alt1)
  1. System rejects one or more users, user names already exist (and informs actor of these names)
  2. Actors corrects user list
  3. Actor submits, proceed to step 8.
Exception paths
(Extension points) N/A
Postconditions One or more Users are added to the system
Related business rules
  • Budget is only applicable to users of type student
  • Users of certain type can only be in groups with users of that type
  • Teachers can only add users of types Student
  • Scientists can only add users of type Scientist
  • Administrators can add users of all types
Author Joost, Joost en Jan
Date 20 nov 2008 14:08 (CET)

Use Case 'Modify user'

Use case name: Modify User
Iteration Focused
Summary Actor modifies or deletes an existing user
Triggers Actor needs to modify users
Assumptions N/A
Preconditions User is authenticated as Administrator, Teacher or Scientist
Basic course of events
  1. Actor decides to modify user
  2. Actors selects user to be edited
  3. Actor updates user details (name, type, group and/or budget)
  4. Actor indicates whether or not to delete user
  5. Actor submits
  6. System confirms
Alternative path 1
  1. Actor decides to modify one or more users
  2. Actor selects user(s) or a group
  3. Actor updates users details (type, group and/or budget)
  4. Actor indicates whether or not to delete users
  5. Actor submits
  6. System confirms
Alternative path 2
(to basic and alt 1)
  1. System rejects, actor tries to delete his own account, proceed to step 2
(Extension points) N/a
  • User information is up-to-date
Related business rules
  • Budget is only applicable to users of type student
  • Teachers can only delete users of type Student
  • Teachers can modify users of type Student
  • Scientists can modify users of type Scientists
  • Administrators can delete and modify any type of user
Author Joost, Joost en Jan
Date 20 nov 2008 14:45 (CET)

ORM Add user.gif

Use case 'Add group'

Use case name: Add group
Iteration Focused
Summary Actor adds new group
Triggers Actor decides that he wants to create a new group
Assumptions N/A
Preconditions User is authenticated as Administrator or Teacher
Basic course of events
  1. Actor indicates they would like to create a new group
  2. Actor enters name
  3. Actor sets group's parameters
  4. System confirms
Alternative path 1
(to basic)
  1. After group creation system asks if users should be added immediately
  2. Actor confirms and selects user that are to be added to that group
Alternative path 2
(to basic)
  1. System rejects, group already exists.
  2. Actor enters a new name, proceed to step 6
Exception paths
(Extension points) N/A
Postconditions A new group has been added to the system
Related business rules
  • User can be member of one group maximum
Author JJJ
Date 2 dec 2008 19:43 (CET)

Use case 'Modify group'

Use case name: Modify group
Iteration Focused
Summary Actor modifies or deletes a group
Triggers Actor indicates they would like to modify a group
Assumptions N/A
Preconditions Actor is authenticated as Administrator or Teacher
Basic course of events
  1. Actor decides to modify a group
  2. System asks for group
  3. Actor selects group
  4. System displays group's parameters
  5. Actor sets group's parameters
  6. System confirms
Alternative path 1
(to basic)
  1. Actor decides to delete one or more groups
  2. System asks to select the to-be-deleted group(s)
  3. Actor selects group(s)
  4. System confirms input and asks confirmation of deletion
  5. Actor confirms
Alternative path 2
(to basic)
  1. System rejects; parameters out of bounds/inappropriate
  2. Actor sets new group parameters, continue with step 6
Alternative path 3
(to alt 1)
  1. System rejects; current user is in one of the selected groups
  2. Proceed with step 2
Exception paths
(Extension points) N/A
Postconditions Group modified/deleted
Related business rules N/A
Author JJJ
Date 2 dec 2008 20:01 (CET)

ORM Add user.gif

Use case 'Add molecule'

Use case name: Add molecule
Iteration Focused
Summary Actor adds molecule to the system
Triggers Actor needs a new molecule
Assumptions N/A
Preconditions Actor is authenticated as Administrator, Teacher or Scientist
Basic course of events
  1. Actor decides to create a new molecule
  2. Actor enters molecule name
  3. Actor defines a molecule by setting several parameters 1
  4. System confirms
Alternative path 1
(to basic)
  1. System rejects; molecule name or parameters already in use or out of bounds/inappropriate
  2. Continue with step 2
Exception paths
(Extension points) N/A
Postconditions New molecule added to system
Related business rules N/A
Remarks 1 The exact details of the parameters are not known to us. There should be something on the RE site, but we could not find it. It could have been the re-casus.pdf document on the sheets page but unfortunately this file does not exist any more. We do think, apart from not having the specifics, this is a good way to model a molecule because it's very flexible. A set of settings can be defined and changed if, for example, a new simulator (or new version) is used.
Author Jan en Joosten
Date 20 nov 2008 15:23 (CET)

Use case 'Modify molecule'

Use case name: Modify molecule
Iteration Focused
Summary Actor deletes or modifies molecule
Triggers Actor needs to delete or modify molecule
Assumptions N/A
  • Actor is authenticated as Administrator, Teacher or Scientist
  • Molecule to be modified is known by the system
Basic course of events
  1. Actor decides to delete one or more molecules
  2. System asks which molecules are to be deleted
  3. Actor selects molecule(s)
  4. Actor confirms deletion
  5. Systems confirms deletion
Alternative path 1
(to basic)
  1. Actor decides to change existing molecule
  2. Systems asks for molecule to change
  3. Actor selects molecule
  4. Systems displays properties of molecule
  5. Actor changes properties and saves changes
  6. System confirms change
Alternative path 2
(to basic)
  1. Actor wants to delete a molecule currently used by a sample
  2. Systems notifies users and skips deletion of this (these) particular molecule(s)
Exception paths
(Extension points) N/A
Postconditions Existing molecule has been modified
Related business rules N/A
Author Joost, Jan en Joost
Date 2 dec 2008 20:52 (CET)

ORM Add-modify molecule and sample.gif

Use case 'Add sample'

Use case name: Add sample
Iteration Focused
Summary Actor adds sample to system
Triggers Actor decides to create a new sample
Assumptions N/A
Preconditions Actor is authenticated as Administrator, Teacher or Scientist
Basic course of events
  1. Actor decides to create a new sample
  2. Actor enters sample name
  3. Actor sets molecules the sample consists of, at least one can be used as a solvent
  4. System confirms
Alternative path 1
(to basic)
  1. System rejects; sample name already in use
  2. Actor sets new sample name, proceed to step 5
Exception paths N/A
(Extension points) N/A
Postconditions New sample added
Related business rules N/A
Author JJJ
Date 2 dec 2008 21:01 (CET)

Use case 'Modify sample'

Use case name: Modify sample
Iteration Focused
Summary Actor modifies or deletes an existing sample
Triggers Actor indicates that he wants to delete one or more samples
Assumptions N/A
Preconditions Actor is authenticated as Administrator, Teacher or Scientist
Basic course of events
  1. Actor decides to change existing sample
  2. System asks for sample
  3. Actor selects sample
  4. Systems displays properties of sample
  5. Actor changes properties and saves changes
  6. System confirms change
Alternative path 1
(to basic)
  1. Actor decides to delete one or more samples
  2. System asks which samples are to be deleted
  3. Actor selects sample(s)
  4. Systems asks for confirmation
  5. Actor confirms
  6. Systems confirms deletion
Alternative path 2
(to alt basic)
  1. System rejects, one or more selected molecules are currently in use
  2. Proceed to step 3
Exception paths N/A
(Extension points)
Postconditions An existing sample has been modified
Related business rules N/A
Author JJJ
Date 2 dec 2008 21:10 (CET)

ORM Add-modify molecule and sample.gif

Use case 'Conduct Experiment'

Use case name: Conduct Experiment
Iteration Focused
Summary Actor conducts an experiment an a sample. This entails choosing the NMR-parameters for the FID, awaiting the results and using them as input for the Fourier analysis
Triggers Actor needs to conduct experiment
Assumptions N/A
Preconditions Actor is authenticated as either student, teacher, scientist or administrator
Basic course of events
  1. Actor decides to conduct an experiment
  2. Actor selects sample (eligibility depends on business rules 17 and 18)
  3. Actor sets NMR-Parameters
  4. System shows experiment costs and duration based on settings
  5. User continues experiment with settings
  6. Systems renders a HNMR signal (FID)
  7. Actor converts resulting signal in Fourier analysis
  8. System displays graph of Fourier analysis.
Alternative path 1
(to basic)
  1. Actor is not satisfied with experiments cost or duration in step set in step 3 and alters the settings made in step 3
  2. Proceed to step 6
Alternative path 2
(to basic)
  1. System rejects due to dumb settings chosen in 3 and displays this
  2. User changes settings in step3 and continues
Exception paths
(Extension points) N/A
Postconditions Actor retrieved a Fourier analysis for the experiment he conducted
Remarks 1 an assignment from user to sample is created automaticly
Related business rules N/A
Author JJ
Date 4 jan 2009 22:37 (CET)

Use case '(de)Assign Experiment'

Use case name: (De-) Assign Experiment
Iteration Focused
Summary Actor assigns samples to be distributed to the users in a group
Triggers Actor needs to assign samples to students
Assumptions N/A
Preconditions Actor is authenticated as either teacher, scientist or administrator
Basic course of events
  1. Actor assign samples to a group
  2. Actor selects group
  3. Actor selects samples to be distributed
  4. Actor selects fake name for this series of experiments
  5. System confirms
Alternative Path 1
  1. Actor removes experiments from a group
  2. Actor selects group
  3. Actor selects experiments to be removed
  4. System confirms
Exception paths N/A
(Extension points) N/A
Postconditions All samples selected in step 3 are distributed over members to the group, repeating samples if there are more samples then group members. All experiments have the same fake-name appended with an incremental number.

On deletion, all users from the selected group, will no longer be assigned to any of the selected experiments.

Related business rules N/A
Author JJ
Date 4 jan 2009 22:37 (CET)
