Talen en automaten/2011-12/producten/Cow/Examples
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< Talen en automaten | 2011-12 | producten | Cow
Simple Loop [1].
MOO MOo [anything in here happens "current" number of times] moo
Fibonacci [2].
MoO moO MoO mOo [main loop] MOO [print first number] OOM [temp copy of first number] MMM moO moO MMM mOo mOo [store second number off in the first position now] moO MMM mOo MMM [move back to temp number] moO moO [use temp to add to first and store in second in loop] MOO MOo mOo MoO moO moo mOo mOo moo
Met deze tool [3] kun je iets met Cow programmeren.