Domeinmodellering/2 Activiteiten/Assignments/Opdracht03-A01/2 Opdrachtbeschrijving

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Versie door Theo van der Weide (overleg | bijdragen) op 1 okt 2011 om 20:14
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Lecture 3: ORM Normal form and translation to conceptual schema


A most crucial phase of the design of an information system is the information analysis. During this phase the conceptual model is developed. The conceptual model is the base for the requirements analysis.

This study task teaches how sample sentences from the application domain can be put in a standardized format, and how the deep structure of the sentence type is abstracted and denoted as an ORM schema.


In this lecture we focus on chapter 2 of the lecture notes.


After this study task you will be able to:

  • Describe ORM Normalform
  • Transform examples into ORM Normalform
  • Transform an ORM Normalform description into the main structure of a conceptual model

What you have to do

Required Knowledge: none.


  • Download the Lecture Notes.
  • Read chapter 1 of the Lecture Notes

The tasks:

  • Read the elaborated exercises (section 2.5).
  • Make the exercises from section 2.4.

Deadline inleveren

Deadline voor het inleveren: maandag 03/10/11 vóór 11:30u. Je moet de uitwerking inleveren op papier in de inleverbus voor Domein Modellering op de 2e verdieping in vleugel 5 (die bus staat recht tegenover de ingang van die vleugel op ca. 10m afstand); vergeet niet om bij je uitwerking zowel je naam alsook je studie en je studentnummer te vermelden.